【動画】最大のカメの特徴…体長2m体重600kg, 水深1200mまで潜る, 絶えず泳ぎ続ける, ゴム状の皮膚
引用元: 最大のカメの特徴…体長2m体重600kg, 水深1200mまで潜る, 絶えず泳ぎ続ける, ゴム状の皮膚 [478973293]
世界最大のウミガメ「オサガメ」体内から縦横1m超のプラごみ 福井県、クラゲと間違え食べた可能性 https://t.co/RAbfE6GEcz
— 福井新聞メディア (@fukuinpmedia) January 21, 2025
The leatherback sea turtle is the largest turtle in the world. They are the only species of sea turtle that lack scales and a hard shell.
They are named for their tough rubbery skin and have existed in their current form since the age of the dinosaurs.pic.twitter.com/cA8O2bMDft
— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) January 13, 2025
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